Does your retail store sell bikes but you don't have an online presence?
You should connect with the people at SmartEtailing to get set up.
Do you use Retail Pro 8 or 9?
You need the SmartEtailing Integration for Retail Pro from us!
The SmartEtailing Integration for Retail Pro
SmartEtailing sets up websites for retail stores to sell bikes online. In order to get the inventory out of Retail Pro and up to the website, a special back-end integration was built to extract data according to criteria you set up and packaged into files that SmartEtailing can work with, then uploads it. This program can be scheduled to run on a periodic basis to keep any changes you make to your Retail Pro data up-to-date on the website.
The Inventory upload base product has a one-time fee of $1,500 and is available for either Retail Pro 8 or Retail Pro 9.
There is a second, optional part to this integration. As you sell bikes online, the SmartEtailing website collects the sale information and provides a way to download it. The Retail Pro 9 version of our integration package has an optional add-on to import the sales back into Retail Pro so you don't have to enter them by hand.
The Sales download add-on requires the Inventory upload base product and has a one-time additional fee of $1,000; it is available only for Retail Pro 9.